A Different Perspective on Being XXY -- Is it a Priviledge?

The following was written by an active member of XXYTalk.com named Onnineko. He is an educated and professionally employed XXY living a successful life.

I strongly suspect that with continued education and time, that the typical XXY person will develop a greater intelligence than a "typical" XX or XY person.

There are three reasons for this:

1. We XXY's mature more slowly.

The development time of the typical person is very short. It is well known that a child learns both better and faster than an adult. An XXY child develops over a period considerably longer than an XY or XX child, about 8 more years. Society for 99% of the world believes is that at 18, the child is mature. However, XXY children (untampered with) mature at about age 25. If we compare an XXY child at their point of relative maturity at age 25 to an 18 year old, the 25 year old child is significantly higher on intelligence tests. This is an oversight of the medical establishment.

2. For all that the medical establishment has gone to great lengths to suppress XXYers we make up a remarkable percentage of higher tasking jobs overall, than most of the rest of the human race. But, no doubt this would also require studies to prove.

3. At the age of 30 .. because relative levels of maturity are now consistent, the XXYer should score higher on intelligence tests. But we don't study these kinds of things. The XXYer should go get a job that requires a higher IQ.

The hardest part of this, though, is that you will have to compete in a system not suited for you. To establish bona fides that the rest of the world will accept you must attend a university to the PHD level. Right now, we encompass business leaders in all levels of society. To keep going higher though requires education. Be it self education, or university training. And our best kept secret? We can blend with just about any group.

Don't sell yourself short. The reason that most XXYers have trouble is because society is not setup to provide the social network that we need.

XXYers do not mature until 25. You typically send your kid out to "be a man" at 18, but with as an XXY you've essentially kicked a 14 year old out the door. That 14 year old might be really smart, but collectively they're not all here yet. They're not yet mature by society's standard. And that's because we mature slower. We have more time to learn at the pace that only children can learn at.

And lastly what about this assumption that we have learning difficulties? Take the XXYer and start school with the 5 year olds at age 6. Oddly enough, no learning disabilities. However, society will not tolerate the abuse of their "it works for 99% of the people, it will work for you, rule". So use the time you have wisely, and learn as much as you can.

As for college. They teach using a method that works great for 99% of the world. Unfortunately that missed all of us XXY's. What I found is that attending "part-time" one or two classes at a time, worked really well. I could focus more effort into learning, than the course required. Of course I always end up learning about 5 times the material that was intended to be taught because I have to know why this or that theorem applies. They only test on a small percentage of the material. Most of the testing focuses on short term memory.

For me it's been 20 years and I can still do calculus. The only people I've met that can skip into the topic of calculus like it was yesterday are mathematics professors. This is because we (XXYs) have a stronger bond to long term memory. Being able to step backwards to the moment someone said or wrote an idea and explained it means we can talk to specific ideas across decades.

So what am I really saying here?

1. You're smart.

2. Get an education.

3. Use your young years for all they are worth because thats when languages are easy. And your young years go to about age 25 (not 18 like typical XX's and XY's).

Written by Onnineko of XXYTalk.com